Friday, January 11, 2013

3 Myths About Donating Blood Debunked | Incept Blog ...

The subject of Mythology is an interesting one when you dive into it.

Myths, legends, and other folklore have generally served a greater purpose in times past as ways to explain what was going on in the world that science couldn?t ? ways to convey morals and ethics and also for entertainment. The thing about your basic myth is that it generally isn?t true. As cool as it would be if the Loch Ness Monster did actually exist, it just isn?t a real fact.

When it comes to blood donor recruitment, Incept?s Conversational Marketing??Experts (CMEs) debunk myths about donating blood quite regularly. After all, knowledge is power. In our efforts to continue to spread education and dispel any misinformation on the topic of donating blood, here are three common myths that people believe when it comes to blood donations.

  • I can?t donate, because they told me my iron levels were low last time. When a donor goes to donate blood, their vital statistics are checked beforehand to ensure their donation process will be safe and successful. One of the main vital signs that is checked is the donor?s hemoglobin (also known as iron) levels. If a donor doesn?t meet the required level of iron that has to be present in one?s blood stream at that time, generally they will be asked to reschedule to try again. The thing is many people automatically assume that they cannot donate after an experience like this, when in many cases, as long as they eat something more?substantial?in iron and stay more hydrated, they would be okay to donate if they tried again. For the record, if you have been deferred before for a low iron level that is just a point or two off from required readings, you would be fine to donate again and most likely are not anemic.
  • I?m a diabetic, and they don?t want my blood. On the contrary, diabetic people can donate! When it come to dealing with diabetes and donating blood, as long as the prospective donor is not taking any form or types of bovine insulin they would be acceptable to donate a whole blood donation. If you have your diabetes under control by non-bovine derived insulin, prescribed oral medication, or even simply just diet, you would be safe to donate a whole blood donation.
  • I just had a tattoo done and can?t donate blood. Body art is awesome. What is even more awesome is the fact that many states in the United States are states that have regulated body art establishments in which tattoos and body piercings can be done in a sterilized and safe environment. Many people immediately think that just because they had some new ink done or have just had a recent piercing that they are automatically?deferred?from donating blood. Check with your local blood center specifically about their regulations on blood donations and body art. Chances are that as long as you had your tattoo done in a licensed facility, and not just by your buddy in his kitchen, you still could make a life-saving blood donation.

So there you have it. Three common myths on donating blood debunked. Sometimes all it takes is a closer look at the circumstances surrounding eligibility to determine if one can actually donate or not!

Feel free to use this information in your recruitment efforts. If you are planning on donating blood, remember to check directly with your local center?s regulations before attempting to donate.

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