Saturday, November 17, 2012

University radio station holds Sunnyside discussion

West Virginia University-sponsored radio station U92FM hosted an on-air discussion about the University?s acquisition of the Sunnyside properties on its show "Feedback" Wednesday night.

Guests on the show included Morgantown Mayor Jim Manilla, Interim Dean of Students Corey Farris and Student Government Association Student Advisor Daniel Brummage.

During the broadcast, hosts Ardath Osborne and Chloe Detrick asked questions about the details of the purchase and ongoing issues with the buyout, as well as future plans for the property. The show also featured questions from students via email and various social media.

So far, talks for the site have included the building of multiple student housing complexes, shopping and fitness centers and the first complete grocery store in the downtown area for years.

Farris said the growing need and requests for affordable housing near the downtown campus have heavily influenced the direction of the project.

"We are listening to what students are telling us, we are listening to what parents are telling us, and they?ve told us they want to live close by in nice, new housing within easy walking distance ? not only to campus, but to amenities," Farris said. "This is a long-term plan."

The Mayor expressed his excitement and confidence in the project as a good move for both the city and the University. He said he hopes the move will bring more residents and businesses into the downtown area.

"It really pays off for the city, because we?ll be able to collect our B&O (Business and Occupation) tax and our B&O construction tax and some property tax on that," Manilla said. "The property that WVU actually owns by them are all tax exempt, so (with) this public venture, we?ll be able to collect those revenues which are well needed in the city."

Manilla said he estimates the city will receive $1.8 million in just the B&O construction taxes, which he describes as "one-time money" for the city.

One concern was raised about what will happen to the students who currently live in the area and are being asked to relocate by the end of December.

As many as 70 students have already agreed to relocate, while the University is still in talks with the remaining residents.

"Their lease expires when it expires, and we are working with them, because the developer would like to start construction in January. So we are working with them in a number of different ways to encourage them to leave by the end of December," Farris said. "Each individual student is different, and so we are sitting down with them one on one and talking to them, and we?ve said we would pay rent differentials and assist them with moving costs and things like that."

One major problem this project faces is the growing traffic and infrastructure of Morgantown.

"We do have major, major infrastructure problems here ? our road systems are terrible," Manilla said. "I know right now the Morgantown Chamber of Commerce has put a committee together to look at ways to possibly create funding to help the city?s and also the metro area?s infrastructure."

The project is set to be completed in July or August 2014.

"One thing I think I?ve learned is that, even though WVU is such a big University, you are definitely not just a number," Osborne said. "And you guys have really demonstrated that tonight."

Osborne and Detrick finished the show by asking their guests to provide contact information for anyone who wished to know more about the project and asked for additional comments.

Farris concluded the discussion on an upbeat note by highlighting the strengths of the community.

"That?s what makes Morgantown a great city; that?s what makes WVU a great University; we are growing, and we are vibrant," Farris said. "We will talk to people, and we?ll listen to people, and that?s how we move forward. Together we can come up with great ideas and move us forward to a better city, to a better university, to a better county, to a better state."

To listen to the entire show and previous "Feedback" episodes, visit


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