Sunday, November 25, 2012

Maximizing Cardio & Resistance Training for Caloric Expenditure | i ...

Aerobic and resistance training workouts increase your body?s need for oxygen in the post-exercise period. This factor?called EPOC or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption? elevates metabolism and plays a major role in exercise-related weight loss. Type of exercise, duration and workout intensity influence EPOC.


Resistance Training

EPOC increases with weight-lifting intensity, reports KL Osterberh, lead author of a March 2000 article in the ?International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.? Seven women were told to perform five sets of 10 different exercises. The research team paired the exercises according to opposing muscle groups, and told the subjects to perform 10 to 15 repetitions per set, and to perform the last two sets of each exercise to failure. Exercise pairs consisted of leg extension and hamstring curl; chest press and bent-over row; military press and sit-ups; biceps curl and triceps extension; and lunges and lateral raises. The team measured the subject?s resting metabolic rate every 30 minutes, and reported a 13 percent increase in their before-exercise. Sixteen hours after the workout, their resting metabolic rate was still 4.2 percent higher than their before-exercise rate.


Aerobic Exercise

The results of a February 2008 study published in the ?International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism? indicate that subjects who perform aerobic exercise for 30 to 45 minutes on three to five days a week at moderate intensities potentially elevate their resting metabolic rate. After 16 months, the women in the study increased their resting metabolic rate by 129 calories a day, and then the men increased theirs by 174 calories a day.


ACSM Guidelines

The American College of Sports Medicine advises 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week, combined with two or three weekly strength-training sessions. Significant weight loss requires over 250 minutes a week of cardiovascular exercise. Work all of your major muscle groups, and perform two to four sets of each exercise. Numerous factors influence the design of your program, including your overall health and fitness, existing injuries and your doctors suggestions.


Most Effective Exercises

The more of your major muscle groups engaged in your exercise program, the higher your caloric expenditure.? Aerobic exercise such as running, jumping rope, cross-country skiing and martial arts burn the most calories, for example. Likewise, exercises that work more than one muscle group, called compound weight-training exercises, also increase caloric expenditure. Examples include squats, lunges, the bench press and the lat pull-down machine.


Which Comes First

Researchers have not yet determined the ideal sequencing of aerobic and resistance training exercise, says Mayo Clinic physical medicine specialist Edward Laskowski M.D. Intense weightlifting might deplete the glycogen stores and reduce your aerobic endurance, but a vigorous aerobic workout might make you too tired to perform your weight training workout in proper form.


Program Design

If you?re trying to lose weight, aim for a daily aerobic session of at least 30 minutes, along with three weekly resistance training sessions on alternate days of the week. To protect your joints and preserve your energy, choose a low impact form or aerobic exercise on the days that you perform resistance training. Exercise novices, who have not yet built up aerobic and muscular endurance, will benefit from circuit training, which intersperses 10 to 15 strength training exercises with one to three minute aerobic sessions.


See a Professional

Workout requirements vary according to the individual. If you are unsure of your specific needs, ask one of our personal trainers to help you design the ideal workout.



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