Monday, July 11, 2011

Q&A: How can I start figure skating? | Winter Olympics

Question by sssp: How can I start figure skating?
I really want to try skating and take lessons. The only time I have ever skated, was on my backyard pond with hockey skates. I don?t live in the same place anymore though. How can I start skating and if there are any tips or steps, please say so. Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Shauna P
First thing you need to do is find the closest ice skating rink, and call and ask about learn to skate lessons. :) They are a better investment than jumping right in with private lessons. Save those for when you have the basics out of the way. Then if you decide to take the lessons get yourself a pair of skates since the rentals aren?t going to get you very far as they are uncomfortable and don?t have enough ankle support.

Aside from that, HAVE FUN. :)

What do you think? Answer below!

Category: Figure Skating???????Tags: Figure, skating, start


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