Friday, April 5, 2013

Jeremy Irons voices gay marriage concerns

Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

By Aaron Couch, The Hollywood Reporter

Jeremy Irons has some questions about what same-sex marriage would mean for familial relationships and the legal system.

In particular, the "Borgias" star wonders if it could open the door for fathers and sons to marry, perhaps as a way for a father to pass down his property without estate taxes upon death.

STORY: Supreme Court's gay marriage hearing: What Hollywood is saying

"Could a father not marry his son?" Irons asked during an interview with The Huffington Post. He said this technically would not be incest if it were between men, because "incest is there to protect us from inbreeding, but men don't breed.?

He prefaced his comments by saying he doesn?t have ?a strong feeling? about same-sex marriage either way.

"It seems to me that now they're fighting for the name," Irons said of same-sex marriage advocates fighting for marriage equality over civil unions. "I worry that it means somehow we debase, or we change, what marriage is. I just worry about that."

He went on to wish ?the best of luck? to those living with another person.

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?Living with another animal, whether it be a husband or a dog, is great,? Irons said. ?It?s lovely to have someone to love. I don?t think sex matters at all. What it?s called I don't think doesn?t matter at all.?

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments for and against California's same-sex marriage ban, Prop 8, and the federal Defense of Marriage Act. It is expected to make a ruling in June.

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